is an RStudio add-in facilitating insertion of nicely formatted tables in R markdown documents or plain R scripts.
You can install inserttable
from GitHub with:
Upon installing, inserttable
registers a new RStudio Addin (Insert Table) that can be used to easily insert a table in a Rmd
document. To use it, open a Rmd
or R
document and select “Addins –> Insert Table”.
There are two main use modes:
In this case, a GUI will open allowing you to select the desired output format ( kable
, kableExtra
, DT
and rhandsontable
are currently implemented), and to edit the content of the table. After clicking Done the Addin will add in the file the code needed to generate the table in a nice tribble
format (thanks to Miles McBain’s datapasta
package!) to allow easier additional editing, and also the code needed to render it with the selected output format using some default options, as can be seen below:
IMPORTANT NOTE: Not all output formats play well with knitting to PDF or Word!. kable
works everywhere, while DT
and rhandsontable
work out of the box only if knitting to html. You can make them work on PDF and Word by adding always_allow_html: yes
in the yaml header of the Rmd, and installing phantomjs using: webshot::install_phantomjs()
(results are not that good, though).
A useful feature is that, for larger tables, you can also cut and paste content from a spreadsheet :
Obviously, rendering of the table can be tweaked further by changing/adding arguments of the rendering functions in the automatically generated code.
In this case, the GUI allows you to select only the desired output format ( it is assumed that the variable you select corresponds to a data frame
or similar object containing the data you wish to show as table). After clicking Done the Addin will add in the Rmd
document the code needed to render the selected variable as a table with the selected output format. The code will be added at the first empty line below that containing the name of the selected variable.
IMPORTANT NOTE: inserttable
will make no effort to guarantee that the variable you select is a data.frame
. It is up to you to select a meaningful variable!
You can also use (part of) inserttable
functionality from the console by calling function insert_table()
The function will return to the console the code needed to create a empty table of the specified dimensions and render it with the selected format: