Check if a R object or a filename correspond to a valid Raster object, to a raster file or none of the above. Useful to detect which kind of input is passed to a function and abort / do something in the case of "wrong" input.

get_rastype(in_rast, abort = TRUE)



name of an R object, or character giving the full path to a spatial file


If TRUE, and in_rast is neither a raster object or filename, send an error message and abort, Default: TRUE


character equal to "rastfile" (if in_rast is a raster file), rastobject (if in_rast is a R raster object) or NA`` if it is neither (unless abort` == TRUE)


in_rast <- system.file("extdata/MODIS_test", "EVIts_test.tif", package = "") get_rastype(in_rast)
#> [1] "rastfile"
# input is a raster object obj <- read_rast(in_rast) get_spatype(obj)
#> [1] "rastobject"