Reading/writing spatial data |
read a raster file from disk |
read a vector spatial file to R |
Write a |
Raster processing |
Mask a raster based on a vector |
Reproject a raster "R" object or file |
reclassify values of a raster |
Assign labels and plotting colors to a categorical raster |
extract raster values on features of a vector |
aggregate_rast |
crop a raster file/rast_file on a given extent |
remove outliers from a raster image |
Generate a standardised raster |
Vector processing |
Reproject a vector "R" object or file |
crop a vector on the extent of a different spatial file |
dissolve attributes of a vector and aggregate its table |
Create a "fishnet" vector over the extent of a spatial object |
Interactively select an extent |
Retrieve info from spatial files |
return the extent of a spatial object or file (with projection) |
Retrieve useful info from a raster object or file |
Retrieve statistics about value of a raster object |
return the proj4string of a spatial object or file |
Visualization and plotting |
quick plot for a raster based on level_plot |
Plot a map based on a |
plot the frequency histogram of values of a raster |
plot a map based on a |
DB Interaction |
write a spatial table to a PostGIS db table |
Data fetching from public repositories |
Download vector of administrative boundaries from GADM |
Miscellaneous Helpers |
add a scale_fill palette to a ggplot |
sprawlext class |
cast a vector object to a different |
automatic recasting between Raster object and raster files on disk |
change file extension |
Check the validity of the input projection |
convert data type between |
create a GDAL vrt file starting from a |
Convert dates to DOYs |
convert DOYs to dates |
create list of valid fill palettes |
find the path to a specified command |
find main folder of gdal installation |
check the "spatial type" of an object or file |
Check in the input is a |
check the "spatial type" of an object or file |
migrate "virtual rasters" to a new location |
reproject the extent of a spatial object |
helper function used to extract statistics of raster values within
initialize clustered processing on multiband raster |
sprawl_scalebar |