accessory function to convert the extent of a spatial object to a different projection. simple wrapper for the spTransform function on

reproj_extent(ext, out_proj, in_proj = NULL, enlarge = TRUE,
  n_dens = 1000, verbose = TRUE)



object of class sprawlext, or any other object or filename from which a sprawlext object can be derived (see get_extent)


character proj4string representing the desired projection for the output extent


character (optional) proj4string representing the projection of projection (like extent or bbox). the input extent. It is needed only if ext is an object which does not include a


logical If TRUE (default), the reprojected bounding box is the one which completely include the original one; if FALSE (faster), it is simply the one obtained by reprojecting the upper-left and the lower-right corners.


numeric Densification ratio used in the case enlarge is TRUE. reprojected extent


logical If FALSE, suppress processing messages, Default: TRUE


An object of class sprawlext representing the reprojected extent


library(raster) in_file <- system.file("extdata/MODIS_test", "EVIts_test.tif", package = "") in_rast <- raster::raster(in_file) in_sprawlext <- get_extent(in_rast) # Reproject a sprawlext reproj_extent(in_sprawlext, "+init=epsg:32651")
#> crop_rast --> Reprojecting extent of: in_sprawlext to: +init=epsg:32651
#> An object of class "sprawlext" #> Slot "extent": #> xmin ymin xmax ymax #> 195742.3 1677398.6 332519.7 1780655.5 #> #> Slot "proj4string": #> [1] "+proj=utm +zone=51 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs" #>
# Reproject the extent of a file reproj_extent(in_file, "+init=epsg:32651")
#> crop_rast --> Reprojecting extent of: in_file to: +init=epsg:32651
#> An object of class "sprawlext" #> Slot "extent": #> xmin ymin xmax ymax #> 195742.3 1677398.6 332519.7 1780655.5 #> #> Slot "proj4string": #> [1] "+proj=utm +zone=51 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs" #>
# Reproject the extent of a raster reproj_extent(in_rast, "+init=epsg:32651")
#> crop_rast --> Reprojecting extent of: in_rast to: +init=epsg:32651
#> An object of class "sprawlext" #> Slot "extent": #> xmin ymin xmax ymax #> 195742.3 1677398.6 332519.7 1780655.5 #> #> Slot "proj4string": #> [1] "+proj=utm +zone=51 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs" #>
# Reproject an extent or a bounding box (given the input projection) reproj_extent(raster::extent(in_rast), "+init=epsg:32651", in_proj=in_rast@crs)
#> crop_rast --> Reprojecting extent of: raster::extentin_rast to: +init=epsg:32651
#> An object of class "sprawlext" #> Slot "extent": #> xmin ymin xmax ymax #> 195742.3 1677398.6 332519.7 1780655.5 #> #> Slot "proj4string": #> [1] "+proj=utm +zone=51 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs" #>
reproj_extent(sp::bbox(in_rast), "+init=epsg:32651", in_proj=in_rast@crs)
#> crop_rast --> Reprojecting extent of: sp::bboxin_rast to: +init=epsg:32651
#> An object of class "sprawlext" #> Slot "extent": #> xmin ymin xmax ymax #> 195742.3 1677398.6 332519.7 1780655.5 #> #> Slot "proj4string": #> [1] "+proj=utm +zone=51 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs" #>
# Reproject without enlarging reproj_extent(in_sprawlext, "+init=epsg:32651", enlarge = FALSE)
#> crop_rast --> Reprojecting extent of: in_sprawlext to: +init=epsg:32651
#> An object of class "sprawlext" #> Slot "extent": #> xmin ymin xmax ymax #> 195742.3 1677398.6 332519.7 1780655.5 #> #> Slot "proj4string": #> [1] "+proj=utm +zone=51 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs" #>