Function used quickly retrieve statistics (min, max, mean, median sd, and eventually quantiles) for bands of a raster object

get_raststats(in_rast, quantiles = FALSE, hist = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE)



a Raster object or the filename of a valid raster


logical If TRUE, retrieve also the quantiles, for each band, Default; FALSE


logical If TRUE, retrieve also the frequency histogram, for each band, Default: FALSE


if FALSE suppress messages, Default: TRUE


a list containing the following elements:

  • stats: data.frame containing min, max, average and standard deviation for each band (see examples);

  • quants: data.frame containing the quantiles of the distribution of raster values, for each band (100 value - 0.01 interval) (NULL is returned if quants == FALSE (the default));

  • hists: data.frame containing information about the distribution of raster values for each band. the data frame includes the limits of each bin, the count of the number of pixels included in it, the corresponding frequency and the cumulated frequency at each bin (NULL is returned if hists == FALSE (the default));


library(ggplot2) in_rast <- system.file("extdata/OLI_test", "oli_multi_1000.tif", package = "") get_raststats(in_rast)
#> get_raststats --> Computing statistics of `in_rast`
#> $stats #> min max avg sd band #> 1: 0 57048 14646.024 14498.970 1 #> 2: 0 55558 13907.527 14207.094 2 #> 3: 0 57400 13891.930 14769.282 3 #> 4: 0 55552 15428.359 13687.184 4 #> 5: 0 65535 5995.777 4660.999 5 #> 6: 0 65535 5180.533 3722.452 6 #>
get_raststats(in_rast, quantiles = TRUE)
#> get_raststats --> Computing statistics of `in_rast`
#> $stats #> min max avg sd band #> 1: 0 57048 14646.024 14498.970 1 #> 2: 0 55558 13907.527 14207.094 2 #> 3: 0 57400 13891.930 14769.282 3 #> 4: 0 55552 15428.359 13687.184 4 #> 5: 0 65535 5995.777 4660.999 5 #> 6: 0 65535 5180.533 3722.452 6 #> #> $quants #> quant val band #> 1: 0.00 -111.859 1 #> 2: 0.01 -111.859 1 #> 3: 0.02 -111.859 1 #> 4: 0.03 -111.859 1 #> 5: 0.04 -111.859 1 #> --- #> 602: 0.96 10665.500 6 #> 603: 0.97 10922.500 6 #> 604: 0.98 11693.500 6 #> 605: 0.99 12721.500 6 #> 606: 1.00 65406.500 6 #>
get_raststats(in_rast, hist = TRUE, quantiles = TRUE)
#> get_raststats --> Computing statistics of `in_rast`
#> $stats #> min max avg sd band #> 1: 0 57048 14646.024 14498.970 1 #> 2: 0 55558 13907.527 14207.094 2 #> 3: 0 57400 13891.930 14769.282 3 #> 4: 0 55552 15428.359 13687.184 4 #> 5: 0 65535 5995.777 4660.999 5 #> 6: 0 65535 5180.533 3722.452 6 #> #> $quants #> quant val band #> 1: 0.00 -111.859 1 #> 2: 0.01 -111.859 1 #> 3: 0.02 -111.859 1 #> 4: 0.03 -111.859 1 #> 5: 0.04 -111.859 1 #> --- #> 602: 0.96 10665.500 6 #> 603: 0.97 10922.500 6 #> 604: 0.98 11693.500 6 #> 605: 0.99 12721.500 6 #> 606: 1.00 65406.500 6 #> #> $hists #> value count freq cumfreq band #> 1: -111.8590 291848 2.999034e-01 0.2999034 1 #> 2: 111.8588 0 0.000000e+00 0.2999034 1 #> 3: 335.5766 0 0.000000e+00 0.2999034 1 #> 4: 559.2944 0 0.000000e+00 0.2999034 1 #> 5: 783.0122 0 0.000000e+00 0.2999034 1 #> --- #> 1532: 64378.5000 0 0.000000e+00 0.9999990 6 #> 1533: 64635.5000 0 0.000000e+00 0.9999990 6 #> 1534: 64892.5000 0 0.000000e+00 0.9999990 6 #> 1535: 65149.5000 0 0.000000e+00 0.9999990 6 #> 1536: 65406.5000 1 1.027601e-06 1.0000000 6 #>
plot_rasthist(in_rast, type = "line") + xlim(-200,30000) + theme_bw()
#> plot_rasthist --> Plotting histogram of `in_rast`
#> get_rastinfo --> Retrieving info from: `in_rast`
#> get_raststats --> Computing statistics of `in_rast`
#> Warning: Removed 138 rows containing missing values (geom_path).