function to reclassify values of a raster object or raster file based on a reclassification matrix which specifies which value in the output should be taken by different intervals of values of the input raster

recategorize_rast(in_rast, class_matrix, out_file = NULL,
  out_type = "rastobject", overwrite = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)



Input raster file or "R" raster layer to be reclassified


data.frame 3 column data frame with column names equal to start, end, new and label. Each line specifies an interval of values in the original raster and the value they will assume in the output.
IMPORTANT ! Intervals in class_matrix will be considered as CLOSED on THE LEFT and OPEN ON THE RIGHT ! - see examples !!!! -


character Name of the output raster file. If NULL and to_file == TRUE , the raster is saved to a file in the R temporary folder in "R" tempdir(), Default: NULL



  • if == "rastobj", return a Raster object;

  • if == "filename", return the filename of the masked layer (GTiff or gdal vrt format depending on other arguments - see below) Default: "rastobj" (If an invalid string is provided, defaults to rastobj)


logical If TRUE and `out_file`` already exists, the file is overwritten, Default: FALSE


logical if TRUE, extended processing information is sent to the console in the form of messages


  • if out_type == rastobject: *raster corresponding to the reclassified raster

    • if out_type == "rastfile": name of the file where it was saved (either corresponding to out_file or to the name of the temporary file created (if out_file == NULL))


The function is a wrapper around the raster::reclassify function, providing a (somehow) easier and extended I/O functionality and possibility to easily set the class names and eventually plotting colors for the new raster using raster::ratify

class_matrix must be a 3-columns data.frame (or similar), including the start, end, newand label columns. It can be easily created by, for example:

class_matrix <- tribble(~start, ~end, ~new, ~label
                             0,    1,   NA, NA         # values >=0 and < 1 will be set to NA
                             1,    5,   1,  "Class_1", # values >=1 and < 5 will be set to 1
                             5,    7,   2,  "Class_2", # values >=5 and < 7 will be set to 2
                           ...,  ..., ...,  ...,
                           ...,  ..., ...,  ...,
                            11,  100,  NA,  NA)   # values >=11 and < 100 will be set to NA

, or:

class_matrix <- data.frame(start = c(0,  1, 5, ..., ..., 11),
                           end   = c(1,  5, 7, ..., ..., 100),
                           new   = c(NA, 1, 2, ..., ..., NA),
                           label = c(NA, "Class_1", "Class_2", ..., ..., NA)

Note that it is FUNDAMENTAL for proper functioning that ALL values of the original raster are "covered" in class_matrix. Values not falling in any of the intervals will be kept at their original values ! (checks for this will be implemented in the future!)

See also


# create a raster with values equal to rows number and assign a RAT # to it library(magrittr)
#> #> Attaching package: ‘magrittr’
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:raster’: #> #> extract
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:testthat’: #> #> equals, is_less_than, not
in_rast <- raster::raster(ncol = 20, nrow = 20) %>% raster::init("row") plot_rast_gg(in_rast, rast_type = "continuous", scalebar = FALSE, direction = -1)
# build a reclassification matrix class_matrix <- tibble::tribble( ~start, ~end, ~new, ~label, ~color, -Inf, 5, 1, "pippo", "red", # Values < 5 --> 1 5, 8, 2, "pluto", "green",# >=5 and < 8 --> 2 8, 12, 2, "pluto", "green",# >=8 and < 12 --> 2 12, 15, NA, NA, NA,#>=12 and < 15 --> NA 15, Inf, 3, "paperino", "red")# Values >=15 --> 3 # reclassify and assign class names out_rast <- recategorize_rast(in_rast, class_matrix)
#> recategorize_rast--> Reclassifying: in_rast on values of: class_matrix
#> class : RasterLayer #> dimensions : 20, 20, 400 (nrow, ncol, ncell) #> resolution : 18, 9 (x, y) #> extent : -180, 180, -90, 90 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) #> coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 #> data source : /tmp/Rtmpzfhi9J/file78523f0b1718.tif #> names : file78523f0b1718 #> values : 1, 3 (min, max) #> attributes : #> ID Class Color #> 1 pippo red #> 2 pluto green #> 3 paperino red #>
plot_rast_gg(out_rast, scalebar = FALSE)
# reclassify a land cover map with N classes to a 0-1 mask, retaining classes 5 # and 9, putting the rest to 0 and values >= 11 to NA # Open the masking file # in_mask <- raster(in_maskfile) # setup the reclassification matrix # class_matrix <- tibble::tribble( # ~start, ~end, ~new, ~label, ~color, # 0, 0, NA, NA, NA, # 1, 5, 0, NA, "black", # 5, 6, 1, NA, "white", # 6, 9, 1, NA, "white", # 9, 11, 1, NA, "white", # 11, 100, NA, NA, NA) # reclass_file = "/home/lb/Temp/buttami/pippo_reclass.tif" # outmask = categorize_rast(in_rast, # class_matrix, # r_out = TRUE) # plot_rast_gg(outmask)